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About Delta 3D Studios

Delta 3D Studios, LLC is a premier digital fabrication studio that specializes in cutting-edge low volume manufacturing techniques, including 3D printing, thermoforming, and injection molding. The company, founded in January 2015, has a reputation for excellence in product design and material safety research and development.

The story of Delta 3D Studios began as a humble side-project in a small IT office in 2012, where the founders were driven by a passion for innovation and a desire to push the boundaries of what was possible with 3D printing. Using only a Makerbot Replicator (V1) as their tool, they set out to explore the possibilities of this exciting new technology.  Today, Delta 3D Studios has grown into a thriving business that offers a wide range of services and capabilities. We have expanded our range of workable materials through partnerships with small businesses and entrepreneurs across America, allowing us to bring our designs to life in a sustainable and responsible way.

We are committed to promoting sustainable manufacturing practices and creating real jobs for people. Unlike other companies, we do not outsource our production to countries known for poor quality control and intellectual property theft. Our products are made in America, with pride and precision. At Delta 3D Studios, we take great pride in the quality of our products and are dedicated to meeting the highest standards of customer satisfaction. We understand that mistakes can happen, and we welcome all feedback from our customers, whether positive or negative. It helps us to guide the direction of our future inventions and revisions to existing designs.

Thank you for choosing Delta 3D Studios. We are always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Our customer service team is dedicated to providing the best possible experience for our valued clients. Contact us today and discover what we can do for you.


Inventors Wanted!

Are you a visionary inventor, with a passion for creating innovative and unique products? Do you have a talent for designing widgets, gadgets and other exciting new inventions? Are you ready to take your creations to a global market and share them with the world? Look no further! Delta 3D Studios is here to help you turn your dreams into reality. As a company that is dedicated to supporting fellow entrepreneurs and small businesses, we understand the challenges of bringing a product to market. That's why we're excited to offer our expertise and resources to help you turn your idea into a successful global business.

Our team at Delta 3D Studios has years of experience in logistical sales and shipping, and we have already established customers in over 65 countries worldwide. We know how to navigate the complexities of international trade and can help you to reach a global audience for your products. If you're interested in seeing your products listed on our website, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're excited to hear about your ideas and help you take the next step in bringing your products to a global market. Let's work together to turn your inventions into a reality, and make your business a success!


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