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Affiliate Marketing Program

Join Our Affiliate Program and Start Earning Today!
Are you looking to boost your content and earn extra income? We're on the lookout for passionate creators to help us showcase our innovative products in action! Join our Affiliate Program and unlock a world of opportunities. As an affiliate, you'll receive a unique coupon code to share with your audience, giving them a 5% discount on their purchases while you earn a 15% commission. It's a win-win for everyone!
Why Join Our Affiliate Program?
  • Exclusive Prototype Samples: Be at the forefront of innovation by getting your hands on our latest products before anyone else. Showcase these prototypes to your audience and create buzz.
  • Shape the Future: Your feedback, combined with your audience's reactions, will directly influence the development of our new products. Become a key player in our creative process!
  • Incredible Discounts: Enjoy deep discounts on a variety of items. Many products will be available for just the cost of shipping, while others, like our premium metal 3D printed parts, will be offered at unbeatable prices for promotional purposes.
  • Generous Commission: Earn a 15% commission on the order subtotal for every purchase made using your unique coupon code. Watch your earnings grow as you help others save!
  • Exclusive Audience Discounts: Your followers will thank you for the exclusive 5% discount on their orders, making your content even more valuable to them.
  • Effortless Tracking: Stay on top of your performance with email notifications for every order placed using your coupon code. You'll get detailed information about the items ordered and the order value.
  • Flexible Monthly Payments: Enjoy the convenience of receiving your commissions at the end of each month via business check or Zelle payment (additional payment methods will be added in the future)
Please Note: This is an exclusive offer. To maintain quality and avoid spamming the online community, our affiliate program will be limited to a small group of affiliates. Each application will be carefully reviewed before approval. By submitting this form, you agree to the Affiliate Terms & Conditions
How It Works:
  1. Sign Up: Complete the registration form below for consideration to join our affiliate program.
  2. Receive Your Coupon Code: Choose a unique coupon code and start sharing it with your audience to begin earning.
  3. Earn Commissions: Watch your income grow with a 15% commission on every order placed using your coupon code.
  4. Get Paid Monthly: Collect your well-deserved earnings at the end of each month via business check or Zelle payment.
Ready to Get Started? Fill out the form below! Be sure to provide information about what platforms/channels you intend to use for promoting Delta 3D Studios products. Let's create something amazing together!

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