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ExtremeQ Organizer Tray

6.00 Ounces

Product Description

Finally! The perfect organizer tray to store all your ExtremeQ bits and pieces (NOTE: this organizer does not fit the newer Arizer XQ2). This tray slides comfortably over the ExtremeQ with no modifications to the unit necessary and contains a wide variety of slots for components including:

  • ONE Wireless Remote
  • ONE 14mm Male slot
  • ONE Glass Poker
  • ONE General Pocket (screens or other small bits)
  • ONE Velcro Strap (whip storage)
  • TWO Bag Slot cut-outs
  • TWO Whip mouthpiece (or scoop tools)
  • TWO 18mm Male slots
  • THREE 10mm Male slots

NOTE: Listing is for 3D printed organizer only! Glass bits, whip, remote, or unit NOT included with purchase

Product Reviews

  1. Awesome storage for my ExtremeQ

    Posted by Aaron on Jun 25th 2023

    Handy for all my bits and bobs for the ExtremeQ, especially the remote slot. If it wasn't for having a slot It'd surely be lost already hahaha. I like the added whip strap, I don't use the whip that often, as I mostly use the bags, but this keeps it secured to the unit well. Thanks again Delta 3D Studios, you rule!!!

  2. Great idea, could be better, limited functionality

    Posted by Unknown on Jun 28th 2021

    I love the idea. The problem I’m having is I can only use 25 percent of the layout. There’s only 2-14mm and 2-18mm holes. I need more! I have no need for the 2 bag holders. They take up a lot of real estate for what they do. A lot of the holes don’t seem to fit anything. They are too big for 10mm but too small for 14mm. Some of them have holes in the bottom for a tool, some don’t. I’d completely redesign this with: 3x14mm holes 3x18mm holes 2x10mm holes. Keep the little storage area. The right side of the remote has an 18mm hole already, the left side of it needs a 14mm hole right in the front like the right side, not the random sized hole it has currently. Ditch the balloon holders (at least one) and ditch the random sized holes not listed above. Every hole should be drilled for use with a stir tool if need be. I do like the one hole that is drilled a bit bigger than the rest so a little brush handle can fit in. Lastly, is there a way to hold another bowl? Might need to buy a male to male adapter to do that. I’d gladly pay for a custom version if you guys do that. Otherwise, if you are like me and have several various bowls, different sized attachments and wands, this might not hold all your favorite accessories at once.

Warranty Information

60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Other Details

PETG Plastic
Order Processing Time:
48 Hours

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