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Grasshopper Mini Loading Funnel

1.00 Ounces

Product Description

This funnel was designed to perfectly fit over the Grasshopper's oven to assist in loading the device.  This is a miniature version of the standard grasshopper funnel designed by popular request


Looking for a custom size funnel to fit your grinder? Contact us!

Product Reviews

  1. Have A Hopper, You Need This!!

    Posted by drevilnj (IG) on Dec 1st 2020

    Fantastic accessory for loading up your Hopper while keeping your working area neat and free of spillover.

  2. Load

    Posted by Anthony B on Apr 1st 2020

    It's a must have if you have a hopper. It's a bitch loading without it and this takes the work and time out of the equation. I'm glad I got the small, it's a perfect size. I just pour it in off my piece of paper, and tap the funnel and watch my flower fall into place

  3. Perfect

    Posted by Unknown on Dec 9th 2019


  4. Perfect funnel for Grasshopper

    Posted by Jaden on Mar 26th 2019

    This funnel is compact and does its job perfectly. Makes loading the Grasshopper 10x easier. I should have bought one of these long ago!

  5. A must have

    Posted by Vizyt on Dec 16th 2017

    Small, easy to use

  6. A must have for GH users

    Posted by Chris on Aug 30th 2016

    Fits perfect, even when I tap it to level the bowl. Just get one now before you regret not having it as you try to clean the threads

  7. I find myself using this at home way more than I expected

    Posted by Unknown on Aug 26th 2016

    An important factor for GH owners is maintaining the threads. This simple funnel saves the threads from the materials resin. This makes cleaning less of a chore and required less often. Delta3d also threw in a stand and they work really well together.

  8. Small enough for a standard pen vape case

    Posted by Adam on Aug 5th 2016

    I was hoping this would fit in my vape case, and it did! Makes loading the Hopper very easy and mess free, keeping your threads free of particulate matter.

    Sits on top of the hopper perfectly when using the pyramid stand.

    Funnel is almost a necessity if you want to use doob tubes. I got the mini because I wanted it portable, and it definitely is!

Other Details

PLA Plastic
Order Processing Time:
1-3 Days

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