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Mighty+ Display Stand

1.00 Ounces

Product Description

Show your pride with the Mighty+ Display Stand

Introducing the perfect stage to showcase your Mighty+ Vaporizer – our specially designed Mighty+ Display Stand. With a focus on both form and function, this stand is not just a holder; it's a statement piece for your vaping device.

Crafted for Compatibility:

  • Universal Design: Meticulously engineered to accommodate both the original Mighty and the latest Mighty+ models, ensuring a perfect fit for your device of choice.
  • Stability Meets Style: Equipped with four cork feet pads, the stand offers enhanced stability, protecting your surface and preventing slippage without compromising on the aesthetic.

Superior Quality:

  • 3D Printed Precision: Utilizing state-of-the-art 3D printing technology, this display stand boasts a precise and durable construction, tailored to securely hold and display your Mighty vaporizer.
  • Elegant Presentation: Designed with elegance in mind, the stand elevates your Mighty or Mighty+ vaporizer, transforming it into a focal point of your space.

Whether you're looking to enhance your personal vaping station or seeking the perfect gift for the discerning vaper in your life, the Mighty+ Display Stand combines functionality with a sleek, modern design. Showcase your Mighty vaporizer in style and make a statement in any setting.

Now Available! Upgrade to a custom two-tone stand! Choose your stand color, and we’ll print the logo in a contrasting color!

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Warranty Information

60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Other Details

PETG Plastic
76 x 51v x 23 mm
Order Processing Time:
1-2 Days

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