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Scoop-N-Poke Tool

1.00 Ounces

Product Description

The perfect tool for your needs! The scoop was designed to precisely load ground herbs / tobacco while the other side holds a fine poking tool designed to loosen and stir partially cooked material. 

One full scoop is approximately 0.05 grams.

Looking for a custom size? No problem! Contact us for special requests

NOTE: This tool is printed off-site. It is 3D printed metal (420 Alloy Stainless steel). Inventory quantities are limited. Gold, Bronze, Brass and other finishes available upon special request

Summer 2022 Update:  Due to a drastic increase in costs for 3D printed steel, we were forced to increase our prices to cover the increase in costs. We hope to find an alternative 3D printing partner to reduce pricing in the future

Product Reviews

Showing reviews 1-10 of 17 | Next

  1. Simple the Best Tool

    Posted by Unknown on Jul 19th 2022

    I gave these as Christmas gifts for flower vape users and received rave reviews, but it wasn't until I used this tool to fill a pre-rolled cone that I realized the genius of its design. It's well made, well designed, feels nice in the hand, has a subtle gold finish, and is a classy functional tool for all your scooping and poking needs. I'm sad the price has increased due to manufacturing costs, but still recommend this beautiful tool. All of my interactions with Delta 3d customer service have been above and beyond and I encourage you to support this lovely small business.

  2. Love This Tool

    Posted by InvertedParadiddle on Aug 27th 2020

    Makes loading my Mighty or Volcano a breeze. You learn quickly about how much a ‘scoop’ is going to weigh, great if you’re shooting for a specific dose. Plus it’s metal so I don’t worry about using it in a hot bowl. Would recommend, obviously.

  3. Does exactly what it's meant to, and perfectly!

    Posted by Alex on Aug 21st 2020

    The size is perfect, the build quality is fantastic for being 3D-printed, you seriously can't go wrong with a Delta 3D Studios product. They'll even size a tool or finish it to your preference with a custom order. Mine is in & out of my hands multiple times a day. For something that I use so often, I'm really glad I got a vape tool as worthwhile as this one instead of something cheap elsewhere.

  4. Great product works perfectly

    Posted by Unknown on Feb 27th 2019

    Highly recommend. Does exactly what you need it for. Glad I found this item

  5. perfect for many applications

    Posted by Michael on Dec 22nd 2018

    love this thing

  6. Great tool

    Posted by Sean on Nov 25th 2018

    Perfect tool to load my Divinchi. Fits nicely in my travel kit. Will get the longer one for home use.

  7. Cool tool.

    Posted by Nick W on Sep 25th 2018

    Its a usefully tool. It fills the Mighty well. Well made and seems durable enough(I dont plan on beating it up much).

  8. Love it!!!

    Posted by Unknown on Jun 3rd 2018

    I can not say enough about this scoop. I use it everyday to load my CFX without getting weed all over.. thanks for a great tool!!!

  9. Absolute perfection!

    Posted by Unknown on Mar 17th 2018

    I love this little thing. It works perfectly with any of my vaporizers, grinders, pipes, etc. The edge of the scoop part is super flat and has a perfect edge to it, so it's super easy to scoop the herbs out of the corners of a grinder. The end comes to a nice sharp point, so it's useful for anything - scooping, scraping, cleaning, etc. The textured grippy part of the "handle" is super easy to grasp between my fingers and gives perfect control while I'm scooping.

    My only complaint, and the one thing that dissuaded me from buying this the first time I visited, is the price. But now that I've spent 10 months with it, this tool is an indispensable part of my kit, and it was absolutely worth every penny.

  10. Awesome little tool

    Posted by Unknown on Feb 20th 2018

    Well made, awesome little scoop with a poker...

Showing reviews 1-10 of 17 | Next

Other Details

3D Printed Stainless Steel
Max Temperature:
830ºC / 1526ºF
68 x 10 x 12mm ( 2.6" long )

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