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TightVac TV1 Minivac Container

1.00 Ounces

Product Description

The perfect economical storage solution

Discover the epitome of cost-effective storage with TightVac TV1 Minivac container. This versatile storage marvel is designed for the preservation of a wide range of essentials, from aromatic herbs to essential vitamins, making it the ideal companion both at home and on your travels. With its compact design, it effortlessly fits into your bag, while also finding a cozy spot in your fridge or freezer, ensuring optimum freshness.

Revolutionary Patented Vacuum Closure System

Experience the future of storage with TightVac's patented vacuum closure system. As you press down on the buttons and secure the lid, watch as air is expertly drawn out, creating a hermetic seal that not only guarantees freshness but also renders the TightVac water-resistant. As an added bonus, it even floats, making it the perfect companion for any adventure.

Tinted Protection Against UV Rays

Say goodbye to worries about UV damage! The TightVac comes tinted, providing a shield against harmful UV rays that can compromise the quality of your stored herbs. Safeguard your essentials with confidence, knowing that this innovative design has got you covered.

Unparalleled Gas Regulation

Allow your products to breathe with the TightVac's unparalleled gas regulation feature. This innovative container allows gases to escape while keeping oxygen at bay. For those seeking a comprehensive smell-proof solution, consider using a sealed plastic bag inside the TightVac for added protection.

Compact Dimensions, Maximum Convenience

The TightVac 0.12-liter model stands at a sleek 2-7/8" tall x 2-5/16", offering ample space to accommodate approximately 7 grams of dried herbs. Experience the perfect balance of style and functionality with the Ultimate TightVac – your go-to storage solution for all your precious essentials.

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