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Toothpick Debowler Ashtray

8.00 Ounces

Product Description

Introducing our flexible and durable 3D printed de-bowler - the perfect tool for cleaning. Our de-bowler features a custom collet that securely holds most standard round wooden toothpicks, which won't mar or scratch the glass or metal surfaces of your piece. This is a significant advantage over de-bowlers that use metal or plastic spikes that can damage your equipment or melt when exposed to high temperatures.

Using our de-bowler is easy - just invert your bowl or device and use the pick to remove contents. The toothpick will remove any ash or debris from your bowl, leaving it clean and ready for use. And if you need to replace or adjust the toothpick, just loosen the collet nut on the bottom of the lid to release the old toothpick and tighten it again to secure the new one.

Our de-bowler also comes with a convenient lid that fits any regular-mouth sized mason jar. This allows you to de-bowl directly into the jar, making the process even more efficient and mess-free. You can choose from our full kit that includes an 8-ounce glass jar or our debowler lid and trim ring only if you prefer to use your own mason jar.

Our de-bowler is a flexible and durable product that is designed to make your smoking or vaping experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Order yours today and experience the difference for yourself!

Product Reviews

Showing reviews 1-10 of 14 | Next

  1. Nicely made and useful.

    Posted by Unknown on Nov 7th 2023

    Excellent printing. No more emptying ashtrays, just pop on a fresh mason jar when full.

  2. Makes my life much easier

    Posted by Jeramiah P. on Oct 27th 2023

    I have a nice portable dry herb vape and this makes my clean up way easier/quicker.

  3. Wonderful idea and easy to use

    Posted by Leon on Dec 19th 2021

    I use this to empty out my dosing capsules and save my avb.

  4. Well made product

    Posted by Paul F on Dec 1st 2021

    I have tons of little mason jars, so this fits my world perfectly. I like that it is a toothpick (a few came with mine) as I can replace it over time, or remove for storage or travel. I use with my volcano, its perfect for dumping the contents and scrapping the sides, edge of bowl.

  5. Makes life easy

    Posted by Unknown on Oct 29th 2020

    Works very well and quickly compared to the old fashioned way.

  6. Awesome and easy to reload (toothpick)

    Posted by Unknown on Oct 28th 2020

    Nice item, helps me to unload my mighty capsules and others. Great idea to reload with a new toothpick if necessary

  7. It works.

    Posted by Grump on Sep 18th 2020

    It does what it is supposed to do. It does it very well. It is a great accessory that I use for multiple devices. The material is soft enough were I feel comfortable tapping glass lightly against it to help clear it out.

    Shape helps funnel into the jar. While I First thought the bridge holds the tooth pick was too bulky. Its actually a great catch when debowling your vape. It collects on there so I can examine my abv. Helps me judge my Session. I'm still new to Vaperizers
    I'm really happy with this purchase.

  8. Debowl

    Posted by Tony B. on Oct 25th 2019

    I used this last night with my Newvape flowerpot last night and it worked perfectly, it's so easy to dump and get back to vaping, nice cool retro like design too.

  9. Great for AVB

    Posted by Jacob on Sep 24th 2019

    Great tools for cleaning out vapes and saving your avb

  10. Great idea

    Posted by Ken P on Aug 30th 2019

    Great product

Showing reviews 1-10 of 14 | Next

Warranty Information

60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Other Details

Wood, Aluminum, Glass, Thermoplastic Polyurethane
Order Processing Time:
1-3 Days

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