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Crafty Mouthpiece to WaterPipe Adapter - 18mm

1.00 Ounces

Product Description

Designed to adapt the Crafty mouthpiece to a standard 18mm Male fitting. (NOTE - the S&B Mighty uses the same mouthpiece - This adapter will work for both devices). 

Part is made from Aquarium-Grade Silicone and Corn Starch. It is non-toxic and safe when cured. Adapters are safe to clean with any traditional glass cleaning methods including hot water, Isopropyl Alcohol, and PBW.

(These parts are cast and trimmed by hand, the adapter may have slight imperfections such as bubbles. All parts are examined for critical issues and re-cast if necessary. Any remaining defects will be purely cosmetic and will not affect performance. Please contact us ASAP if you discover a critical defect!)

*While we make every effort to pre-make these adapters, your adapter may not be fully cured when delivered. Freshly cast parts will have a vinegar smell while they cure. The smell will dissipate shortly. Once the smell is gone, you can wash with warm water and/or Isopropyl Alcohol if desired*

NOTE: These adapters are confirmed to work perfectly with other devices including the Arizer Solo & Air, and the Davinci Ascent


*This listing is for the adapter only - GLASS WATER TOOL NOT INCLUDED!*

Product Reviews

  1. Multi purpose

    Posted by Unknown on May 21st 2020

    Took a couple days of washing to get the vinegar smell out. Works great though, the material is durable and can stretch a lot to fit anything you need

  2. Best solution on the market

    Posted by Egor on Mar 17th 2020

    Got it for my crafty as everything else i found on the internet was either reported as damaging for the vape or came with a notice like "don't screw it too hard can break the vape". I'm not looking forward to breaking my precious little thing, so i ordered the adapter from DELTA3D and I'm totally happy with my purchase. It works best, I'm amazed how it changed my vaping experience, hardly going anywhere without a bong and my adapter nowdays!! Also it's unbreakable since it's silicone and pretty good to the touch. The delivery to Russia and production were fast and I was able to get updates from DELTA3D anytime I wanted. All in all, I just want to recommend this thing to everyone looking for an adapter - it's the best option. Thanks a lot, Delta, wish you the best!

  3. Absolutely fantastic

    Posted by James on Mar 15th 2017

    I relied on the two reviewers b4 me (both from 2015). They did not let me down.
    I didn't really expect it to work with my water device nor even how it was supposed to be used but decided it was worth the gamble.
    Should be included in the box when you buy a Mighty. The only accessory more essential is the MIGHTY MINI STAND
    (see https://delta3dstudios.com/mighty-mini-stand)

  4. Essential for ALL Mighty/Crafty owners

    Posted by Brad on Aug 7th 2015

    I bought a Mighty and decided to pair it with a D020-D bubbler. This adapter fits the mighty mouthpiece and bubbler perfectly, is easy to slip on and off the cooling unit mouthpiece, easy to clean, and looks and feels like a quality product. It is also peace of mind knowing this is made from non-toxic materials. I am extremely happy with my purchase and I believe this is an essential item for all Mighty/Craft owners. Cheers Delta 3D Studios, Love your work!!

  5. ESSENTIAL for Mighty/Crafty Water Tool Use!

    Posted by Marty on Apr 24th 2015

    This adapter is an absolute game changer and a MUST HAVE if you want to mate your Mighty or Crafty to a Water Tool! Works awesome, functions 10/10, aesthetics/quality 7/10 as it came with bits out of it and it's deteriorating and getting worse. Otherwise 9/10 only due to price/value.

Warranty Information

60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Other Details

Silicone & Corn Starch
Temperature Rating:
450F (232C) Maximum
Order Processing Time:
1-5 Days

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