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Pax Waterpipe Adapter

0.45 Ounces

Product Description

Elevate your Pax experience to new heights with our versatile rubber adapter! Tailored to seamlessly fit your Pax device either without a mouthpiece or with the flared mouthpiece, this adapter is the key to unlocking a world of smoothness. It's ingeniously compatible with both 14mm and 18mm female bubblers and waterpipes, ensuring you enjoy your sessions with enhanced filtration and cooling.

Also, this adapter isn't just for the Pax3! It's also confirmed to work flawlessly with the Pax2, Pax Plus, Pax Mini, and even the Pax Era, making it a must-have accessory for your collection.

Cleaning is a breeze! Our adapter is designed to withstand traditional glass cleaning methods. Feel free to use hot water, Isopropyl Alcohol, or Powdered Brewers Wash (PBW) for a sparkling clean adapter every time.

Please note: This listing is for the rubber adapter only. The glass water tool and the Pax device are not included in this purchase. Get ready to transform your vaping experience with this essential adapter!

Product Reviews

Showing reviews 1-10 of 114 | Next

  1. Works perfectly!

    Posted by A. Avilés on May 1st 2023

    Thanks to this incredible adapter, I have discovered my new favorite method for consuming cannabis. By connecting my Pax 3 vaporizer to my high-quality glass bong, I can now experience the ultimate fusion of smooth vapor and water filtration, enhancing my overall experience.

  2. Works great

    Posted by GG on Apr 6th 2023

    Does what it needs to do and works well with my glass piece. You do have to remove the adapter or insert something through it to turn your Pax on/off, which is its only real weakness. Otherwise it's a real game changer for using my Pax.

  3. Exactly what I needed

    Posted by Unknown on Feb 22nd 2023

    Quick shipping and the adapter works perfectly with my glass pieces.

  4. Works perfect

    Posted by Jarrod b. on Oct 10th 2022

    What more I can I say works great..can use on any size piece ... allows you to use the vaporizer while still taking a BT..even works as a great mouthpiece works so much better then the ones it comes with.. highly recommended I've been using it for years..thanks

  5. Works Great

    Posted by Brian on Aug 8th 2022

    Well made - nice silicone part.

  6. Ordered April 28/2022

    Posted by Unknown on Jun 15th 2022

    If I ever receive this I will write a review. Now June 15/2022. Still not here.

  7. Honest review for the water adapter for pax 3

    Posted by Drew on Jun 5th 2022

    Lets start with the look of the product. Its black, simple, silicone/rubber, safe for isopropyl cleaning, and doesnt break like glass! it seals very well, as long as you clean it properly. If you dont maintain getting old resin off, it WILL allow some air in the corners due to improper sealing. Thanks to the air hole being fairly wide, it allows you to insert a q tip or chop stick or something to turn on and off the pax without removing the mouthpiece. That comes in suuuuper handy! The mouthpiece having two stages of outer diameter allows for a wider range of sizes that this work with, and its absolutely perfect! ive got 3 different water pipes here and this seems to help the pax hit so much harder and consistently.

  8. Perfect in every way

    Posted by Unknown on May 2nd 2022

    This adaptor was exactly as advertised and works exactly as expected. There's no frills or gimmicks, it's exactly you need to attach your Pax 3 to a water pipe. Shipping was discrete and timely, I am very thrilled with this purchase!! Highly recommend to anyone else, if you're on the fence just go for it. Totally leveled up my Pax experience.

  9. Must have!

    Posted by Unknown on May 2nd 2022

    Perfect for any water pipe, carry along when on the go and share a moment with a friend!

  10. Works but

    Posted by Zippy on Feb 26th 2022

    I have to use a long thin rod to turn pax on and off, with this in place . Would be nice to be able to press on adapter to turn on n off. Thanks

Showing reviews 1-10 of 114 | Next

Warranty Information

60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Other Details

Silicone Rubber
Pax2, Pax3, Pax Mini, Pax Plus
Temperature Rating:
475F (246C) Maximum

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