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Basket Screen Press V2

4.00 Ounces

Product Description

Upgrade Your Vaping Experience with the New and Improved v2 Basket Screen Press!

Are you tired of constantly purchasing basket screens for your vaporizer? Say goodbye to those frequent orders and hello to the new v2 Basket Screen Press! Our latest innovation lets you effortlessly convert standard round stainless steel screens into pleated basket screens suitable for dry vaporizers and waterpipes. Currently available in four versatile sizes — 9mm, 10.5mm, 12mm Deep baskets, and the new 12mm Short baskets — our press caters to a wide range of dry vaporizers and waterpipes.

Sizes and Compatibility:

  • 9mm, 10.5mm, & 12mm Short Basket Presses: Utilize 0.75-inch diameter (19mm) screens
  • 12mm Deep Basket Press: Requires 1.0 inch (25.4mm) screens


High-Grade Construction: Crafted from durable PETG plastic, the Basket Screen Press v2 features hardened steel basket forming collars, and magnets for secure attachment to steel jaws on almost any desktop bench vice that opens at least 2.5 inches (60mm).

Simple Usage Instructions:

  1. Prep your vice by removing any plastic or rubber covers from the jaws.
  2. Place a stainless steel screen into the press.
  3. Align the press halves on the vice jaws, ensuring the sharp 90-degree lip matches the corner of the jaws for perfect center alignment.
  4. Slowly tighten the vice handle to form the pleated basket screen. The screen may eject through the base chute or might require manual retrieval (depending on vice style/design)
  5. Retrieve your basket screen, loosen the vice, and you're ready for another!

What’s Included?

  • Basket Screen Press
  • 20 sample screens to get you started

Note: A bench vice is required for use but is not included in the purchase.

Unsure About the Size? No problem! We offer 5-packs of pre-pressed basket screens available here. Still need help? Don’t hesitate to contact us for guidance.

Looking for a specific size basket not listed? Reach out for special orders!

Grab the Basket Screen Press v2 today and enjoy a seamless, cost-effective vaping experience!

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