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HumidiNook Lid Pocket For Jyarz Big Papi

2.50 Ounces

Product Description

Introducing the HumidiNook Lid Pocket for Jyarz Big Papi Containers

Elevate your Jyarz Big Papi container to a new level of freshness and quality preservation with the innovative HumidiNook Lid Pocket. This game-changing accessory is designed to safeguard your stored herbs, tobacco, or other sensitive materials. Meticulously crafted, this 3D printed insert fits seamlessly into your Jyarz Big Papi container lid, enhancing its functionality and securing your valuable contents.

Key Features:

  • Optimal Humidity Control: The HumidiNook Lid Pocket is thoughtfully built to accommodate Two Way Humidity Control Packs from top brands like Boveda or Integra BoostPack. This integration establishes a consistent environment within your container, effectively maintaining flavors, aromas, and moisture levels.
  • Seamless Integration: Expertly engineered for a seamless fit with your Jyarz Big Papi container lid, the HumidiNook Lid Pocket kit seamlessly merges with the container's sleek profile. It adds an invaluable layer of protection to your storage solution.
  • Convenient Access: Designed with openings on both sides and the bottom, this pocket facilitates the installation and removal of moisture packs, ensuring hassle-free usability.
  • Effortless Installation: Installing the HumidiNook Lid Pocket is a breeze. Simply remove the original foam gasket, peel off the clear tabs on the gel dots, insert the pocket into your Big Papi lid, install the white foam gasket, and you're ready to enjoy extended freshness and improved storage conditions for your herbs or tobacco. (Note: The foam gasket will form-fit to the shape. For optimal results, tightly secure the lid on the container for several days before opening again.)
  • Robust 3D Printed Construction: Crafted from a high-quality, durable blended PETG composite material using cutting-edge 3D printing technology, the HumidiNook Lid Pocket is engineered to endure daily use, delivering long-lasting performance.
  • Enhanced Preservation: Whether you're a fine herb enthusiast or a tobacco connoisseur, the HumidiNook Lid Pocket ensures your stored materials maintain their essential oils, flavors, and moisture content. Experience an unparalleled storage solution.

Kit Includes:

  • HumidiNook Lid Pocket: The heart of the kit, this expertly designed 3D printed insert is engineered for optimal humidity control and enhanced preservation. It's tailored to fit seamlessly into your Jyarz Big Papi container lid.
  • 1x Foam Gasket: A custom-cut foam gasket ensures a snug and secure fit between the HumidiNook Lid Pocket and your container, creating an airtight seal for superior freshness.
  • 6x Gel Dots: These gel dots, equipped with easy-peel tabs, provide the necessary stability for the HumidiNook Lid Pocket within your container lid.
  • 1x Boostpack: Get started right away with a premium Boostpack included in the kit. Experience firsthand how the HumidiNook Lid Pocket, in conjunction with the Boostpack, transforms your storage solutions.

Elevate your storage experience and invest in the future of freshness with the HumidiNook Lid Pocket for Jyarz Big Papi containers. Transform your storage habits and unlock the full, untainted potential of your herbs and tobacco.

Upgrade today and discover the difference.

(NOTE:  Humidinook pocket is not currently compatible with the BigPapi Divider insert)

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Other Details

PETG Plastic
Processing Time:
1-2 Days

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