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Nearly Universal WPA (Medium)

Discontinued (Upgraded!)
2.00 Ounces

Product Description

Version 1.0 has been discontinued!
Our new and improved Version 2.0 Medium NuSonG is now available for purchase!


Designed to fit both 14mm and 18mm female bubblers / waterpipes, this versatile adapter is one accessory no true enthusiast should live without! This flexible adapter fits a large variety of devices with Medium sized mouthpieces (both round and irregular shaped).

The following is a small list of devices which have been confirmed to fit this adapter. This list will grow with testing, but will never contain every device on the market. If you are uncertain that your device will fit, please contact us. (Note we will accept returns if this adapter does not fit your unit - Part must be unused. Test-fitting is permitted, but we cannot accept returns once they have been used.  Shipping charges will not be refunded)

Confirmed Compatible Devices:
7th Floor SideKick - Confirmed Perfect Fit
Boundless Tera - Perfect fit over the mouthpiece
- S&B Crafty - Perfect fit over the mouthpiece
- Davinci Ascent -  Perfect fit over mouthpiece!
Flowermate 5.0 and 5.0s - Fits!
Firefly V2 - Fits mouthpiece, tight fit but works!!
- S&B Mighty - Perfect fit over the mouthpiece

- Oval tips -  Great fit
Stiiizy -  Perfect fit 

Part is made from Aquarium-Grade Silicone and Corn Starch. It is non-toxic safe when cured. Adapters are safe to clean with any traditional glass cleaning methods including hot water, Isopropyl Alcohol, and PBW.

(These parts are cast and trimmed by hand, the adapter may have slight imperfections such as bubbles. All parts are examined for critical issues and re-cast if necessary. Any remaining defects will be purely cosmetic and will not affect performance. Please contact us ASAP if you discover a critical defect!)

*While we make every effort to pre-make these adapters, your adapter may not be fully cured when delivered. Freshly cast parts will have a vinegar smell while they cure. The smell will dissipate shortly (you can soak in water to speed up cure time). Once the smell is gone, you can wash with warm water and/or Isopropyl Alcohol if desired*


*This listing is for the adapter only - GLASS WATER TOOL NOT INCLUDED!*

Product Reviews

Showing reviews 1-10 of 12 | Next

  1. 721

    Posted by bill on May 5th 2019

    this adaptor works great on my utillian 721.it fits perfect.knew i had a great vape but was having trouble finding a way to adapt to my water pipe this little jewel worked great.keep bringing great products that really work well

  2. Great products

    Posted by Eric on Jul 9th 2018

    I ordered this adapter for my Davinci IQ vaporizer and it shipped out within 12 hours and delivered on time. Works great with the IQ and also fits my Vapcap M too! Great customer service too if you ever have to reach out to them!

  3. Fits both dynavap m and stickybrick jr to mf orbiter

    Posted by Unknown on Jul 19th 2017

    Surprisingly this adapter fit both my dynavap m and stickybrick jr ( using the 2nd whip) to my magic flight orbiter. Seriously better than using the $1 fat cap for the dynavap, gives a much better seal to the glass.

  4. Absolutely fantastic if not essential

    Posted by James on Mar 15th 2017

    As with the "Crafty Vaporizer Mouthpiece to WaterPipe Adapter - 18mm ", I relied on previous reviewers who said the "Universal Vape to Waterpipe Adapter (Medium) " was worth buying. They did not let me down. An absolutely brilliant little adapter. Worth every cent and all the time spent searching the internet.
    Should be included in the box when you buy a Mighty. The only accessory more essential is the MIGHTY MINI STAND
    (see https://delta3dstudios.com/mighty-mini-stand)

  5. Such WOW Much CLOUDS

    Posted by Unknown on Mar 14th 2017

    Works superb on my Vivant Alternate and my Floweemate Swift Pro. Both have the "straw" mouthpieces so it fits like it was made specifically for it. Fits great in my 14mm and 18mm pieces as well. But this thing if you want a WPA for your vape. It's worth it!!

  6. Perfect!

    Posted by Steph on Dec 11th 2016

    Have bought this one for my vapcap ti woody and it fits perfectly, and it works great with my grasshopper too!

  7. Sickest invention ever!!

    Posted by RudeDawg on Aug 28th 2016

    It works fucken amazing i recommend this to anyone trying to vape using several different bongs.

  8. This will also work with the arizer q whip

    Posted by Brandon Shand on Aug 25th 2016

    There are actually several ways to do this 3 actually but only 2 pertain to this site so I will be mentioning and explaining those as well as how to use them with Your're Arizer Q.
    First you can simply take the whip and one of the mouth pieces included with the vape (if you don't have the original mouthpieces that come with the unit you can use the mouth pieces from the balloon's they are the same width so the adapter will fit over either one. So you simply put the mouth piece over the mouthpiece and it will turn it into a vape that can fit through any water pipe with an 18 mm or 14 mm female.

    Another way of doing this is buying the tube/whip they sell on this site for the Grasshopper. It happens to be useful for alot of other things as well. you can sip it over any 14mm make downstem or you can slip it perfectly over the original whip of the Arizer Q. attach a 14mm male to 18mm male adaper or a 14 to 14mm (personally I have both) to the hose and simply slip the adapter into the water pipe of you're choice. Its now the only way i use the vape now. you can also get a 10 0r 12 meter adapter and hook that right to the Arizer Q whip. i have a small water pipe with a male downstem bui;d into the top and I also can use take the whip and put it right over that piece its probably 12mm but i cant be sure.. its so tiny.. but its definitely no lower than 10 and I've never seen those. I really need a tape measure. especially if you own a GH or even a FIrefly I recommend getting both as this tube is increadible more useful than you would expect. its flexibility also lest it fit over the tip of the FF. it slips off due to the slant and the stainless steel but I would'nt use it for the FF1 I think it should work with the FF2 scratch that actually i know if will but I will verify this for myself once i have chance to test it on the unit once i finally get one which currently i'm juddgling wether or not i should invest in another Grasshopper or get a FF2 while they finish working out all the kinks they both preform so well and I really need a vape i can always use one hit at a time but i also know I definitly want a 2nd grasshopper once I get them i may even put off the FF2 to see what else comes out becuase im that happy with the Hopper and its versatility is all I need Hence as long as I always have a working one with me i wont need anything else the problem is if

  9. fits great

    Posted by Unknown on Apr 23rd 2016

    fits my crafty, solo air, works great

  10. Last wpa you will ever need!!

    Posted by Phil on Dec 14th 2015

    I picked up this wpa to try with my haze and it worked perfectly!! I then tried it with the vapman, arizer eq whip, and my underdog log stem all worked. This wpa is virtually indestructible and appears that it will last a very long time. Thanks for this awesome product!!!

Showing reviews 1-10 of 12 | Next

Warranty Information

60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Other Details

Silicone & Corn Starch
Temperature Rating:
450F (232C) Maximum
Order Processing Time:
1-3 Days

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