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1.00 Ounces

Product Description

Revitalize your Pax experience with our sleek and sophisticated Slim Case! Expertly crafted to embrace and shield your Pax2, Pax3, or Pax Plus, this case is a game-changer for odor control when your device is not in use. Its design not only offers unmatched protection but also enhances your style quotient.

Elevate your device's look and feel by pairing it with the optional raised mouthpiece - our Slim Case is optimized for a snug fit with this accessory. For those who prefer the flat mouthpiece, a quick switch to the raised version ensures a perfect fit within the case.

Remember, the start of your session is a breeze – simply remove your Pax from the Slim Case and you're ready to go!

Please note, while our Slim Case is a marvel in itself, it is not compatible with the vinyl Pax End-Caps product. It stands as a superior alternative for those who seek to safeguard the entire body of their unit with elegance and efficiency.

(Kindly note: Pax Unit is not included with the purchase of the Slim Case.)

Product Reviews

  1. Simple, effective protection for travel

    Posted by Clyde on Jun 3rd 2022

    Works great for what it needs to do - protect my Pax 2 and 3 while traveling. Fits fine and gives me more confidence to toss around my device as needed. Just a tip for Pax users: it is notoriously one of the stinkiest devices out there, since it cooks herb in an oven during and after your session. If you need more discretion, a smell proof pack is recommended, as this protects the Pax (very well) against scuffs and dings.

  2. Does it smell?

    Posted by smellyalater on Sep 9th 2020

    I bought this to cover the smell. It does not. You can still smell the pax3 through the case. It is not as incognito as I would have liked. Found out the hard way when I walked past my coworkers who could smell that dank dank!

  3. Excellent fit to my PAX3

    Posted by Curtis H on Aug 31st 2020

    This product fits my PAX3 perfectly. It helps contain the odor nicely

  4. Practical Solution

    Posted by Vincent on Nov 13th 2019

    Item received as expected. You can tell its a 3D printed item but the quality still seems solid enough to withstand day to day use. The variety of colors is appreciated. Bes to use a lint free cloth if cleaning as a regular paper towel may leave some lint behind.

  5. Fits prefectly

    Posted by Unknown on Nov 9th 2019

    My pax 3 fits perfectly in the case.

    It also eliminates all the smells and doesn’t add a lot of size


  6. As advertised and better!

    Posted by Alex on Oct 20th 2019

    I was a little skeptical as I have been looking for something like this for a while and had no luck. This product exceeded my expectations. Nice material, has a little bit of texture so it’s not slippery. It’s semi-flexible so it doesn’t feel like it will break easily, and overall pretty slim so it does not add much weight or volume. Plus - no smell. Brilliant!

  7. Very nice

    Posted by RJ on Aug 10th 2019

    Fits my Pax like a glove. Holds down the smell and protects during travel!

Other Details

Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU)
Processing Time:
1 - 2 Days
110 x 35 x 24mm

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