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Scoop-N-Tamp Tool

0.40 Ounces

Product Description

The perfect tool for loading your device! The scoop was designed to precisely load ground material into a device while the other end holds a small 7.5mm (0.295inch) round tamping tool for compressing your herb for optimal efficiency (especially devices with a conductive style heater design)

One full scoop is approximately 0.05 grams.

Looking for a custom size? No problem! Contact us for special requests

NOTE: This tool is printed off-site. It is 3D printed metal (420 Alloy Stainless steel). Inventory quantities are limited. Gold, Bronze, Brass and other finishes available upon special request

Summer 2022 Update:  Due to a drastic increase in costs for 3D printed steel, we were forced to increase our prices to cover the costs. We hope to find an alternative 3D printing partner to reduce pricing in the future

Product Reviews

Showing reviews 1-10 of 33 | Next

  1. Amazing addition to your collection

    Posted by Gui on Aug 29th 2023

    I got this on sale from a vape shop, thinking it was a bit pricey but wanted to treat myself. When it came in the mail, I was a little suprised how small it was. Either way, it quickly ended up being the most utilized tool in my collection. It makes scooping and transfering herb easy, mess free and the tamp on the other end is perfect for packing the herb. If you're on the fence keep in mind it's super well made, I've had mine for years and can't see it ever breaking. I highly recommend this product to anyone that uses herb in anyway, it will make it much easier.

  2. Perfection

    Posted by Daniel on Dec 31st 2022

    This is quite literally the perfect tool that I use daily. It is the perfect size to scoop and fit into any size bowl. The tamp down is perfect as it works in any bowl size. It just works!

  3. Have to have great size for Vapers

    Posted by Tom H on Jun 2nd 2022

    Nice spoon would recommend and suggest to have at least one

  4. Perfect tool

    Posted by Ace on Apr 26th 2022

    I was looking for a scooper for a while. This one is perfect for loading my Vapes. Two or three scoops and your ready to go.

  5. Small and handy

    Posted by Unknown on Dec 4th 2021

    I really like this loading tool - the scoop is the perfect size, and easily picks up product from my rounded inside corner container. The tamping tool on the end is small - depending on your needs - but is very effective. Very happy with this product.

  6. Nice

    Posted by Unknown on Aug 17th 2021

    Completely recommend.

  7. Awesome Tool - Use it All The Time

    Posted by Esquire on Jun 28th 2021

    Another great tool by Delta 3d. I wish it were as long as the Scoop-N-Poke Tool (full-length) but I knew what I was buying when I made the purchase. High quality metal that has not degraded at all since I purchased it. The tamp-end is perfect because it is small enough to tamp anything, including the Tafee Bowle pots, which are tiny. If you vape on a regular basis, this is a very small amount to pay for a device you'll use constantly.

  8. Efficient

    Posted by Thiago on Jun 7th 2021

    Most efficient tool out there; scoops perfectly. Great with Davinci IQ2

  9. Perfect for my usage.

    Posted by Micah on May 12th 2021

    It’s the perfect tool for scooping out of the grinder and tamping into the pipe. It’s durable, aesthetic, and I’ve been getting one for each of my friends. They love it, too. I’ll be getting more.

  10. Perfect tool

    Posted by Mike on Mar 1st 2021

    This scooper/tamper is super convenient and works perfectly. It is very well made and exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

Showing reviews 1-10 of 33 | Next

Other Details

3D Printed Stainless Steel
Max Temperature:
830ºC / 1526ºF
73 x 9.4 x 12mm ( 2.85inch long )

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