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  • Image 1
  • Dynavap Vapcap
  • S&B Crafty
  • Boundless Tera
  • Goboof Alfa
  • S&B Plenty
  • Juul
  • Image 8
  • Image 9
  • Prefilled
  • Haze
  • Pax Era (tight fit)
  • Wispr2

Nearly Universal Waterpipe Adapter (Medium)

1.00 Ounces

Product Description

Designed to fit both 14mm and 18mm female waterpipes and bubblers, now upgraded to our new Song2 material for increased durability! This versatile adapter is one accessory no true enthusiast should live without! This flexible adapter fits a large variety devices (both round and irregular shaped MPs)

The following is a small listing of devices which have been confirmed to fit.

Confirmed Compatible:
Arizer ArGo - Nice snug fit over the mouthpiece
7th Floor SideKick - Confirmed Perfect Fit
Boundless Tera - Perfect fit
Crafty - Perfect fit
- Davinci Ascent -  Perfect fit
Dynavap Vapcap / Omnivap -  Excellent fit
Flowermate 5.0 and 5.0s - Fits!
Firefly V2 - Tight fit but works!!
Ghost MV1 -  Snug fit, nice air-tight seal
Goboof Alfa -  Perfect fit
Haze -  perfect fit
Mighty - Perfect fit
Plenty -  Remove OEM mouthpiece, fits metal whip
Supreme V3 -  Fits V3 Stems (without O-Ring)
Utillian 721 -  Confirmed Fit
Wispr2 -  Takes some effort to force whip into place
- Oval drip tips -  Great fit
cCell Cartridges-  Perfect fit
G Pen Gio Pod -  Confirmed fit
Pax Era -  Tight fit over MP, stretches adapter, still works
Pre-Filled Tanks -  Perfect fit over most units
Stiiizy Disposable -  Fits disposable version (NOT removable pods version)
TruPod TruSTIK -  Perfect fit
- Venty -  Perfect fit over OEM mouthpiece on cooling unit


*This listing is for the adapter only - GLASS WATER TOOL AND DEVICE NOT INCLUDED!*

Product Reviews

Showing reviews 1-10 of 18 | Next

  1. Not as good as the original ones

    Posted by Brent on May 5th 2023

    Seems decent but it is either more stiff. slick etc cause on my Mighty it does not want to stay on. The corn starch ones I prefer to be honest. PS I use these as a mouth piece and not an WP adapter. That and the price.

  2. Essential

    Posted by Unknown on Jan 2nd 2023

    This is a great piece that adds a lot of versatility. Fantastic having my Plenty run into a 14mm connection.

  3. Works great

    Posted by Unknown on Jun 13th 2021

    Works as advertised on a Utillian 722

  4. Keeps my Simrell Vortex clean and unscratched!

    Posted by O.B.E. on Apr 1st 2021

    Someone on Reddit was raving about how great the NUSonGMd-v2 was for matching any piece, particularly the Simrell Vortex to a water pipe. I had just bought a Vortex and wanted to keep it pristine, so I purchased one. The guy on Reddit was 100% right! These should be the standard that all other adapters are measured by. I couldn't be happier.

    Oh, I allows me to use my old Haze vaporizer with my water pipes. I'd forgotten how great the Haze is. Thanks, Delts3Studios!

  5. Great little adapter

    Posted by John on Nov 15th 2020

    This is a great adapter for the simrell vortex. Is perfect to vape out of. Thank you so much!

  6. Work exactly as intended

    Posted by Unknown on Aug 28th 2020

    This universal adapter works great. For certain devices(ERA) it may be more of a tighter fit. But it still works as intended

  7. Awesome product

    Posted by Unknown on Aug 14th 2020

    I was looking for a universal adapter and this thing is awesome.

  8. Just as described

    Posted by Unknown on Jul 27th 2020

    Perfect little adapter for a few of my different cartridges.

  9. Better than the other, better know adapter that I tried

    Posted by Unknown on May 17th 2020

    I have tried other adapters, none work as well or universally with different cartridge tips like this one

  10. Works perfectly on Plenty

    Posted by Unknown on May 5th 2020

    Fits the plenty perfectly. You have to take the mouthpiece off the metal coil and attach metal coil directly to the WPA. Hard to get really thick vapor hits from the plenty, but still does the job really well.

Showing reviews 1-10 of 18 | Next

Warranty Information

60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Other Details

Silicone Rubber
Temperature Rating:
450F (232C) Maximum
Order Processing Time:
24 Hours

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